Ramadan Rewind Logo

In the Shade of Ramadan is a series of videos released every year to provide spiritual upliftment and education during Ramadan.

This year, we are exploring the wealth of wisdom found in Surah Al-Kahf. The Prophet (s) encouraged us to recite this chapter of the Quran every Friday as it serves as a light from one week to the next. Join us to discover how this remarkable surah sheds light on all the seasons of our lives!

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Watch In the Shade of Ramadan Season 14: The Light Within the Cave

The Youth of The Cave Part II | ISR S 14 Ep 6

https://youtu.be/VHTQBujzibM Points of Reflection: Have you ever found relief in an expected place? What did you learn from that experience? Reflect on how many ways Allah takes care of us without us even asking Him to. What’s one way that you find particularly...

The Youth of The Cave | ISR S 14 Ep 5

https://youtu.be/dboh4rAvxVA Points of Reflection: What did and didn’t you know about the Companions of The Cave before watching this episode? What would you do if you were in the shoes of these young believers? How can we highlight the importance of sacrifice in a...

The 3 Questions from the Jewish Tribe | ISR S 14 Ep 4

https://youtu.be/V05st_Gu4u8 Points of Reflection: What lesson was Allah teaching us by not revealing to the Prophet (s) the answers to the questions he was asked right away? Why has Allah not revealed much about the nature of the soul? With every hardship Allah sends...

The Connection Between Surah Al-Kahf & Dajjal | ISR S 14 Ep 3

https://youtu.be/8NXOJf9plHA Points of Reflection: What religious obligations or prohibitions are you struggling with? Do you have a plan to address these issues? When you don’t get what you want, what are your internal and external reactions? How can we begin...

The Blessing of Clarity | ISR S 14 Ep 2

https://youtu.be/TQ7SgZCyXuc Points of Reflection: What is a worldview and what is yours? How do you ground yourself in a world with constantly changing trends? Can you recall a moment in your life when reading the Quran provided clarity on an issue you were facing?...

Introduction to Series & Overview of Surah Kahf | ISR S 14 Ep 1

https://youtu.be/2FU6wZXx85I Points of Reflection: How have you prepared your heart to more deeply embrace the words of the Quran this Ramadan? What did you know about Surah Al-Kahf before watching the video? Is there one particular story mentioned in this chapter...

Join us all month long as we gain wisdom, comfort, and the motivation we need to address the immense challenges believers face worldwide by connecting with this concise yet deeply impactful surah of the Quran.

Or visit our Revive Pack page for more Ramadan inspiration!

Watch previous seasons to get in the spirit of Ramadan!

In 2024, we explored the stories, lessons, and connections that are found in Surah al-Buruj, a chapter of the Qur’an that offers us much-needed reminders and reassurances during this time of heightened Islamophobia, continued global conflict, and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Season 13 Playlist

Season 12 Playlist

Season 11 Playlist

Season 10 Playlist

Season 9 Playlist

Season 8 Playlist

Season 7 Playlist

Season 6 Playlist

Season 5 Playlist

Season 4 Playlist

Season 3 Playlist

Season 2 Playlist